About the online backgammon market today:
The online backgammon is, as we said on other articles available on this site, the next generation of backgammon. If you love this game, there is a very small chance you didn't try its online version. The convenient of realistic software available 24/7 and the variant of users, ranked by smart ranking systems, you can choose between whenever you feel like playing, made this version of backgammon very successful.
Now, the online backgammon market is becoming, in a light speed, one of the most competitive markets on the online gaming and gambling scene. After a few years of small and medium providers, with almost only two big communities (the Fibs backgammon as the biggest online free games server provider and Gammon Empire as the biggest server of tournaments and one on one, fun or real money games) of backgammon players, it seems like the big change is about to occur.
And about The backgammon party which about to start:
It seems like the success of the already existing internet backgammon communities is starting to arouse the interest of the biggest online gambling sharks and now they want to join this backgammon party.
Party gaming homepage:
Party gammon is the backgammon server about to be provided by party gaming- one of those sharks, until now a provider of online poker (party poker) and online casino (party casino). From a glanced look at the party gammon homepage (the server is still not available while this article is written) it looks like party games are trying to do their best to race against the backgammon communities already exist. It is maybe not the most comprehensive site available (it certainly can't compete the gammoned.com site or the backgammon.org which are much more useful for the backgammon players) but it looks like a good start and with the power of "party gaming" behind, we are sure that this is not their final word.
The partygammon client lobby
The evolution of backgammon:
Although the backgammon scene already exists for more than ten years, the big revolution hasn't happened yet. The communities of users may be very big (millions of users) but the growing potential is still much bigger. We think that the entering of party gammon and all other new competitors to this market will be the right step for the online backgammon development and will make the online version of this amazing game, one of the most popular online games of all times.
Of course, when the party gammon software is available we will give you a reviewing article on our articles section.